We can Supply – deliver – install
LM Grass lawn installation

LM grass is usually used for shady areas. It is indigenous and has a bright green colour. The leafs have a course texture and this beautiful type of grass is suitable for a wide range of soil types. LM grass has les tolerance for drought which means it needs to be watered more frequently , this is exactly why all our A grade LM grass is non-turf (non-clay) based for that lush water wise solution. It is recommended to cut LM long. Did you know we offer grass installation, lawn installation. Sod installation. We are gras a supplier and turn key lawn installer.
Kikuyu Grass lawn installation

Kikuyu is the most widely used grass variety as it has a fast establishment rate and is suitable for a variety of soil types. Kikuyu can recover very well from drought and requires a minimum of 6 hours sunlight a day. It might go dormant during cold winters. Kikuyu grass is a vigorous grower and will have to be cut short and regularly. Its recommended to invest in A Grade non-turf (non-clay) based Kikuyu lawn for a long term cost effective green tranquil water wise solution. Did you know we offer grass installation, lawn installation. Sod installation. We are gras a supplier and turn key lawn installer.
Gulf Green / Cynodon Grass Sod installation

Cynodon is an indigenous grass with a fine leaf texture. This type of grass has a higher tolerance for drought and can handle slightly shaded areas. Cynodon requires a minimum of 6 hours sunlight per day and has excellent wear ability. It is suited for a variety of soil types and has a fast establishment rate. This type of grass is available all year round depending on stock in hand. It’s recommended to invest in A Grade non-turf based Gulf green for a long term water wise cost effective green tranquil solution. Did you know we offer grass installation, lawn installation. Sod installation. We are gras a supplier and turn key lawn installer.
Contact Details
Cell: 082 903 77 43
Whatsapp: 082 903 77 43
We kindly prefer working on WhatsApp for placing of orders and questions. WhatsApp allows us to give you a quick turnaround time and to keep track of all conversations.
Email: info@justgreen.co.za
You are Welcome to email however WhatsApp will be the fastest turn around time.
Location: Kindly note we have 19 farms all over Gauteng and deliver from the best farm at the time.
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